How to Use Crystals

Whether you believe in the magic of crystals or not, one thing is for certain and it’s that for those that choose to believe, the healing powers of crystals work. While many argue on the science behind crystals, to me, it’s beyond that. For me, using crystals is an effective way to connect positive intentions with a beautiful, natural stone that reminds me of my intentions all while doubling as beautiful decor. Using crystals takes a conscious effort to not only open your mind to their magic but also your heart. For those that believe, the results will blow you away!

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How I Do a Gua Sha Facial

Before I got into Gua Sha, I was super intimidated by the concept of it so I figured why not do a blog post to help you guys learn more about why it’s so effective and how easy it actually is to add to your daily routine! I don’t know about you but right now, my stress is at an all-time high which means having a calming yet results-oriented routine is more important than ever for me. It may sound silly but when I do my face routine, it really does calm me down and allow me to focus on something other than my stress. I sure hope these Gua Sha tips might help you to do the same all while leaving you with a more healthy and plump complexion!

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AirDoctor Air Purifier Review

If you follow me on social media, you will know by now that one of my greatest concerns is always the air we are breathing and making sure it is free of mold, viruses, VOCs, gases, cooking smoke, smoke, mycotoxins, toxic chemicals, dust mites, pollen, pet dander, bacteria and more. I truly believe the air we breathe is one of the most important parts of living a healthy life, especially when you have 6 dogs… which is why I don’t mess around when it comes to keeping the air in my home as clean as possible. I have posted about many different air filters in the past, however, I just got my hands on the AirDoctor and wanted to give my review!

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Vegan Lettuce Wraps

Alright, let’s talk tasty. I think we can all remember the days where we went out to a nice relaxing dinner but those days are gone so here we are, learning how to cook! One of the meals I always really liked, way back when, were lettuce wraps, especially PF Chang’s version. I have not had them in years but I always remember that savory yet sweet flavor and satisfying crunch of the lettuce. It just felt like a complete and satisfying meal, however, we have since become more strict Organic, GF & Plant-based which means no more PF Changs! To ensure our fellow foodies aren’t missing out, we are sharing our remake recipe below!

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MLMs I Avoid

We all know them… and while some are amazing, sadly, for the most part, multi-level marketing companies are not the best choice when it comes to both food and beauty products. Most of the food companies like Shakeology and Isagenix are loaded with non-Organic ingredients, sugar, natural flavors, inflammatory fillers, processed ingredients, and vitamins made in a lab instead of from real food. Many reps also falsely represent these brands, labeling them Organic, yet so many times, there will not be a single Organic ingredient in the product. The truth is, navigating the MLM world is HARD, so I wanted to generate some responses for those of you that want to avoid these products but are not sure how to explain it to your friends!

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My Mama’s Faves

With Mother’s Day right around the corner, I thought what better time than to share my Momma Bunny’s faves with you to show you bunnies of all ages can find their faves in my store! Hopefully, this blog helps you pick out a few new items for the Momma in your life. A little bit about my Mom- she is pretty girly but simple so the easier something is, the better. I would say her skin is considered both dry and mature but I carry a ton of products perfect for both so here are my mom’s favorite products!

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Best Organic & Vegan Probiotics

As most of us know by now, keeping our gut’s microbiome happy and healthy is critical for keeping our immune system strong, ensuring proper digestion, keeping inflammation down, and nutrient absorption just to name a few incentives! Sadly, the things we consume each day, actively contribute to the demise of our health gut bacteria which is why we must fight back to keep the good guys strong and the bad guys away! Curious which is the best Organic & Vegan Probiotic? Keep reading!

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Book Club With Amanda & Kyle

Anyone that is in any type of relationship, or has been in one in the past knows one thing is true- they’re hard work! And once married, the work doesn’t just stop, if anything, I think the work increases but don’t worry because today I will be sharing some of our favorite books that really Kyle and I better understand one another. Men and women are truly created so differently. Our perceptions, problem-solving methods, ideas of love, what fills us up, etc… and those differences, if not properly understood, can destroy a relationship. Since we are all under quarantine, I really think having books you can read together, to encourage positivity, is so critical for enduring these times together so let’s explore some books we are loving right now!

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Best Organic Underwear

Last week, I posted on Instagram asking you all your favorite Organic underwear brands, and it was interesting to see how many of you were interested in this too! To be honest, I did not get a ton of suggestions, but there were a few brands that people mentioned again and again, so I decided to start with those as they seemed to be the most popular. One of the hardest parts about sustainable and natural clothing brands is, sadly, the performance, price, style, and feel so… did the two most popular options make the Organic Bunny cut? Let’s check it out!

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Organic Bunny Custom Consults

Want to get into cleaner beauty but not sure where to start? Let the Organic Bunny team help by emailing us today! With holistic estheticians and hair care experts on standby, we can easily help you clean up your routine with a FREE custom consult to ensure you get the exact items you need! Here is how it works!

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